Wednesday, July 15, 2015

King Cobra Vs Python

When threatened, the king cobra spreads out its hood and rises off the ground to look at the eye. The hood of the Indian cobra has eyespots, which look like a pair of spectacles. King cobra are famous for their complex and unique parental care. A pair of king cobras help each other to find a suitable nesting spot. In spite of having no limbs, the femal snake scoops dead leaves around with it long body and make a nest.

In ancient times, people created tales of mysterious snake - like monsters that roamed the river and seas. These monster were said to be unbelievably long and heavy. As zoologist studied wild life, and as science developed, it became known that the ancient people may not have been entirely incorrect. They might have actually seen incredibly large snakes. We now know of snakes that are even longer then the wings of a passenger aircraft. These snakes include giant Anacondas and pythons.   Source: